此次特邀请德国亥姆霍兹联合会吉斯塔赫研究中心海岸带研究所Hans von Storch教授和德国马普气象研究所Jin-Song von Storch教授来校进行学术交流,欢迎感兴趣的师生踊跃参加
报告题目: Analysis of Historical Storms and Storm surges
报 告 人: Prof. Hans von Storch
工作单位:Institute for Coastal Research, GKSS Research Center
内容简介:At the German Meteorological Service in Hamburg annual journals of meteorological observation data of Signal Stations from 1877 to 1999 of 120 stations exist, which were digitized. This data contain long-term time series of up to 125 years and allows studies of regional meteorological conditions with greatly improved spatial resolution. Wind and air pressure data of selected Signal Stations along the German Bight and the southern Baltic Sea coast show a spatial data homogeneity, which allow an improved description of historical storms. Two cases from 1906 and 1913 are discussed.
报告题目: High-Resolution modeling at the MPI-Met
报 告 人: Prof. Jin-Song von Storch
工作单位:Max-Planck Institute for Meteorology
内容简介:With increasing computer power, climate simulations at increasingly higher resolutions become possible. This talk gives an overview of the high-resolution modeling studies carried out at MPI-Met in Hamburg.